Get on to the driver's seat armed with the 3-Cs of action!

Part of the STEP ON STAGE series

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you did not voluntarily request to be in, yet by virtue of connection; maybe family or friends you were included in a team and were expected to fully participate? In someone else’s view, you may have qualified for “The  Ideal Candidate” maybe because you had previously worked with them and the project carried out was successful hence the person felt that you would automatically fit and would productively bring the group into a successful end of the set project.
For you to be fruitful in any project, it is important to be in a position to command every fibre of your being to actively participate until every detail of the project is brought to a successful end. This is key for personal projects as well as team work.

In the event that you realize you will not be able to put aside the crucial resources for any project before you; your mind, body, spirit and time, it is always wise to let the team know before they start delegating duties to the members. This enables them to allocate the work designated to you, to someone who will be able to commit the resources. With a good explanation to the team regarding your inability to commit to the project, you save yourself from appearing to the team as a passive aggressive bent to cause them agony. You also earn their respect in the long run because of your honesty. Note that your turning them down genuinely will attract bad vibe because it takes many people a long time to accept a “No”, but they do finally come around and respect your decision.

Again the project is personal yet you find that you are not able to commit time and other resources for it, it is better to hand it over to someone else than start off the project and leave it halfway done.

How about if you decide that you want to pursue the course?

How do you ensure that you will stay on course until you have achieved the desired goal?

You would need to borrow from this series, “Step On Stage” or simply The SOS series. It is a simple guide to enable you to get on to the driver’s seat and take control of the activity while you are fully prepared to effectively execute the project to a divine completion.  As King Solomon put it “Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity, or planning, or knowledge, or wisdom in the grave where you are going.” If it is worth doing then do it BEST!

CONCEIVE: Thoroughly think through the project to see what will be required in order to bring it to a successful completion. Ask yourself these questions?
  • Why do I need to carry out this project?
  • What do I need to begin?
  • What is the desired end?

This will help you to intentionally assume the driver’s seat, infusing yourself with the delight to deliver the desired results. It creates in you the ‘expectant’ spirit that will enable you to engage in full gear into action.

COMMIT: Appreciate the time and effort required to carry out the project. Other than planning the project so as to put aside enough time per day or week to do the work, you will need to sermon your body, mind and spirit; your entire being to dutifully handle the simplified chucks of assignments that add up to the main project. To avoid overwhelming yourself to the verge of quitting, simplify the project by splitting it into small manageable chunks. I like to call them “chewable chunks” that you can thoroughly work on one at a time until the whole project is complete. You could solve each one of the chewable chunk daily or weekly at a specified time of the day to enable you to comfortably sermon the committed resources into action for that project.
It also calls for you to be fully sworn to making it happen; despite the failures that you know just too well will be plugged on your way to success. Commit to unplugging and destroying laziness, procrastination, giving up and negativity or self-sabotage. Anything that stands on your way to victory must be brought down with the armor of resilience and self appreciation for every successfully completed chewable chunk! Occasionally patting yourself on the back for the small victories helps you stay on course.

COMPLETE: It is common to see people quit when they are just a few strikes away from the vein of gold proverbially speaking. To ensure that you don’t add to the statistics, keep your goal within vein of believe and line of sight. Remember the first C demands that you know the desired goal; so for you to actually attain the success that complies with the desired goal, you must be all so familiar with it. This will mean that your productivity is tied to what your mind eye conceived to be true, the picture of it is so well grazed in your mind that when you see the finished product you will recognize it at once.
Imagine a gold miner who doesn’t even know what gold looks like, he hasn’t done the research necessary to enable him recognize the precious stone when he strikes it. How will he know when he is close to the vein of gold? So you need to intentionally believe in the completion of the process to be able to see the finished product. 

“Get on to the driver’s seat armed with the 3-Cs; Conceive, Commit and Complete of action." 
