Photography Explored: May the best shot win!

People Photography: Monarch

Do you naturally enjoy the sight of nature, buildings, people and things(undefined) around you? Does your eye sparkle with a smile at a blue sky, a weird shape of a cloud in the heavens or even the non-purposed pose of people across the streets? Maybe you should just catch the moment and store it for a later date!

Photography has become a real-real good deal for many young people all over the world. Both trained and untrained youths find themselves taking photos of themselves and others without really planning for it. It is so common nowadays to catch yourself wanting to take a photo of yourself whenever you get into a wondrous environment- all courtesy of our mobile phones that are well equipped with powerful cameras.
Interestingly, a good number of people have found this passion so amazing that they have converted it to a money-making venture. They start with an ordinary smartphone, then as the crave for better shots of the world around them, they go fishing for a better smartphone with higher number of pixels and even end up buying a dedicated camera. Without any training, many have made a good income and even supported their families from the money they make from this noble venture.
Having heard and met two humble gentlemen in less than one week who venture into photography without prior training, it has come to my attention that photography can be a huge source of income to many. It doesn’t matter where they begin, what matters is their passion for to produce better results than they did the previous day.
Learning how to make the best shots for whatever it is that you are interested in can be learned. You can learn how to take awesome shots of the landscape through ebooks sold in kindle formats such as Landscape Photography by Margaret Brown, who is a celebrated author on photography.  
Food photography: coffee
Food Photography has also taken the mass by storm; if you are wondering why in the world you would be interested in taking a photo of your smoothie or even your cappuccino, just get Nicole Young's Kindle format book on Food Photography: From Snapshots to Great Shots. Nicole is a dedicated photographer specializing in food, landscape and travel photography. There are people who really know how to make food pose for a great Shot!
Landscape Photography
Just when you thought photography wouldn't get any weirder, there is even photo therapy under photography! Karen Olson has written a book on "Exploring Emotion with Photography". Who would have thought that the art of photography is that expansive?
People photography hasn't been left out either,Creative Portrait Photography: Tips and Ideas on Photographing People, Women, Children, Couples and More! A Complete Guide on How to Photograph People by David Jones brings the shots back home with people photography. You are left without an excuse.
The bottom line is; you don't have to be born in a photography family or even be born one to perfect your art of photography, you just have to have to passion to give the world the best shots the world has ever known.
Having said all that; you may want to consider Giving your Dad or Husband or maybe a male friend a wonderful gift for the upcoming Father's day. Like a Sony Digital camera with a whooping 20.1 mega pixel!
Happy Photography!!
